Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Traveller ... a poem by Anne Selden Annab

Charlottesville Virginia: Robert E Lee statue in Lee Park


The first thing one might see
when walking with a small child
is the majesty of a beautiful horse.

And the first story one might tell
is how people once walked
or rode on camels or mules...

and eventually in horse drawn carriages.

Other stories follow in time,

each to our own.

Some use art to urge people to think,
but some use art to urge people to hate:

Bully campaigns begin and grow.

You and I hold the reins
of where our thoughts wander,
what we see in art
and a public park-

free space.

I will continue to see a noble role model
surrendering for the sake
 of real people.

I will also, always, see the generosity in the gift,
by a citizen aware of the mourning widows
and orphans, and the wounded.

I see good manners, compassion, and a
wealth of wisdom
in The Gentleman's Agreement
that ended the war
at Appomattox.

AND I see good manners,
compassion, and a wealth of wisdom
a century later
in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's uplifting words
as he makes our democracy more real.

poem copyright ©2017 Anne Selden Annab

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